Permission to show up imperfectly


We all put so much pressure to do all the things, and to do them “right” or “perfectly.” But WHAT IF we cut ourselves some slack?

So many people tell me that they’ve considered joining Mapping Your Path but the timing isn’t right. I totally respect that (and I will give you my honest response if you reach out). However, most of the time I think people don’t take the leap of faith because they have this idea of how they have to show up to “get the most out of it.”

I’m here to give you permission to show up imperfectly. To Mapping Your Path. To life. To whatever you’re working on. High standards are good, but they can also get in our way and keep us from doing the very thing(s) we know deep down that we want. We crave. We start to tell ourselves stories. We think it’s all or nothing. But it’s not. Imperfect action can take you far!!!

I recently wrapped up 2 years of a program with a coach. When I started I had this brilliant idea that I’d show up every week, respond to every prompt, and take advantage of every opportunity. And I did. Until I didn’t. Major FAIL. It’s super easy to beat myself up, OR I could practice self compassion and acknowledge that sometimes you just have to go with the flows of life.

When I paused to zoom out I started to see just how much progress I really made. Heck, I birthed and launched Mapping Your Path all by showing up imperfectly. ✨

I think sometimes we focus too much on the perfection of showing up that we forget to leave space for everything else. I like to remind people that the best results don’t come from showing up perfectly. They come from SHOWING UP. For yourself.

In Mapping Your Path I won’t judge you if you miss a call, need to take a break so you can enjoy your travels or spending time with family, or don’t post on Slack. I’m here to support you the best I can. Whatever that means for you.

We can say “I’m too busy” or “it’s not a good time.” But will there ever be a good time?!? We can keep putting others or excuses first. OR we can make the decision to MAKE THE TIME and to take the first step. I know it can be scary. That’s why I wrote you this permission to be human and show up imperfectly.

Mapping Your Path into 2022 closes SOON! (October 8th). These 3 months could be just what you’re waiting for…

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