Open your eyes to the world around you.

There is so much to see in the world around us, but sometimes we miss what’s right in front of us. I spotted an insane amount of “messages” in front of me, or what I like to call Street Wisdom, inspired by the way of looking at the world “founded” by David Pearl. (Yes, it’s the same approach to the world where I spotted Keanu Reeves). Although now instead of setting out on a quest, I’ve started to notice things—clues—in the world around me.

My recent trip to Istanbul took my collection of Street Wisdom to the next level. It started in the 40 min passport line in the airport in Turkey. As I zigzagged my way forward I couldn’t help but notice the messages around me once I opened my eyes (it helped the time fly too!). Despite seeing the same people over and over every turn of direction I noticed something new. There was a lot of surprise and delight in the process too.

Most of the words/phrases/messages I saw were on t-shirts, so I started to dub it “shirt wisdom”. It’s interesting how much English I spotted in such an international hub where most people around me weren’t speaking English. Most of the things that jumped out at me were seen in passing, but I saw a surprising number of “messages” when I sat in one place for lunch. So much of the wisdom flashed in front of me too fast—not to mention that it can be weird to go up to a stranger to ask to take their photo, so I instead captured them all in a running note on my phone. It is these phrases that I “translated” into the 5 doodles in this post. A therapeutic, creative expression and process if you will.

I did manage to photograph a handful of the wisdom I saw that was more static (also a few more in this Instagram post).

I don’t pretend to know what it all means but prefer to think of it as signs I’m on the right path. Although the more I see signs, I admit it’s curious what I’m talking/thinking about when I happen to see it. Perhaps one day it will all make sense…?

Last fall in Mapping Your Path I chose “the magic within you” as my guiding force and map for 2022. I never know where my words/themes will take me, but I couldn’t help but feel like my last-minute trip to Istanbul was trying to send me some messages—or at least clues or reminders.

In my 5 days in Istanbul I collected all these words, phrases, sayings, messages (and more! These are kind of the “best of”) that kept appearing in the world around me even when I wasn’t looking or stopped in one place.

I never felt like I was looking for it. They kept jumping out at me. I’d started to take notes of my “signs” I’d been seeing in Paris lately on my phone, but Istanbul took it to the next level. I’m not sure if it’s because I was in disconnected/travel mode, or I was mostly exploring alone that I saw more. (I saw plenty of messages when I was exploring with my friends too and they’d see me grab my phone and make a note). I have been “getting quiet” lately and not listening to anything while I walk. Or maybe it’s just that Istanbul is magical.✨

I just keep smiling and trusting that I’m on the right path. I had fun pulling together my notes into a more creative form. I wanted to share my doodles in case there was something you needed to see today.

I am so grateful to have my intention for the year to keep coming back to as an anchor and reminder. I’m always in awe of all the different meanings it can take on that I can’t see when I start the year. Part of me wonders if I inadvertently am writing a treatise or manifesto for my year of “the magic within you”—and beyond—through my observations. Or maybe it’s my intuition talking? I just know I’m curious to see how it all unfolds.

It’s all been an excellent reminder to PAY ATTENTION. You never know what’s right in front of your eyes.

Have you been spotting any wisdom in the world around you that has made you take note?

My next 3-mo cohort of MAPPING YOUR PATH into 2023 opens for enrollment in mid-September! It’s a ton of fun, low pressure, and you never know what magic you may unlock with others! ✨